Sunday, June 24, 2012

Senior military research needs a scientific and an increase of 10 times that of the pure theory

One day, I say a person has a brilliant concept and the innovation of new medical equipment. This may change the lives of millions of Americans, to improve treatment and care efficiency. When I started to discuss this with him, I noticed the military to do considerable research on the same stage, as well as some of the science may be transfer of technology.

However, when I referred to him, he told me he did not want any military. He did not like what he do combat equipment damage or even death. I immediately thought, "Why do not you appreciate it," you know. But then I thought, this is his prerogative, it is his opinion that we live in a free society, let him have. At this point, I do not condone his ideas, we must protect our country, but I know where it comes from, I defend their right to express their views.

Nevertheless, I believe, military research, especially pure research should be increased by 10 times. Now, I would like many liberals do not like the concept, but if they read this article online on the Internet, I will submit to them, they should consider the U.S. military's advanced research, because it is responsible for creating the Internet one, because it is not for the folk beliefs Gore. See the Internet to communicate, for this country and our technologically advanced society.

In addition, in the future, we do not know who are our enemies will be, some people may be state-sponsored proxy terrorist and some might have a large number of troop-contributing countries, or who know that we can enter the Cold War with China, Russia, or some other and the upcoming national. We need to stay ahead of the curve, and we do eventually enter the public sector technology transfer.

Not long ago, a research contract military analysts pointed out that the research agenda did not save the changes so great as to change the pace of the nature of how war can be carried out, "I totally agree to this, so we address this point.

You see, military analysts have basically the same line of thinking here. Only because of this famous "terrorists only is the right time, all of our time is correct," if we are to prevent terrorist attacks. I think this is Rumsfeld said he was right. If we promote the pure research, the potential military uses, today we have learned will be integrated into our technology in the future, both in public and private sectors. This type of innovative research money well spent. In fact, I hope you will consider this and consider it.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The hearing ability of the honeybee

Bees, DIVA is the imprint of the soul, templates, and the spirit of the material world, the nature of the form to create a physical bees. I believe in the spirit; intelligent awareness in the form of each question. I can not say to I bees DIVA believe. The bees DIVA exist whether to believe or not. If I lost the end of this paragraph, which is good. Listen to the bees need to marry the bees DIVA connection.

I first met the bees the DIVA occurred in the late 1990s. Two years, I lived in a simple room with stove heating outbuildings, no indoor toilet, no kitchen. In this time of mourning, I chose to act only in the internal impulse. I eat when hungry, sleep when sleepy, dancing, moved to write poetry and painting. During this time, a pleasant iconic image of, or intrusion into my creative imagination. I took this iconic image of an angel bee. Followed by a series of 18 little angel bees multimedia painting. These paintings would one day become a set of note cards and posters. The painting is dynamic, unique, playful image communication is actively working with the human ear, winged creatures.

These paintings into the deep to listen to a new, exciting, strange and attractive place of the inner impulse of my consciousness. 15 years later, the same quality is evoked such deep listening, and when I opened my hives.

When my hands are doing an action, the harm bees, bees buzzing sound of screaming, my ears clearly said: "Oh, you hurt me." Guard bees have a specific hum. along with my bee veil angry march, clearly communicated "to see it!" a sweet, contented hum to communicate in the colony, all is well, heard the hum of bees calm and smoking is not necessary. Another unique sound when they were hungry and cross-colony, let me know I need to provide supplementary food and fast.

Interesting is to enjoy this kind of communication with thousands of insects.

The result of listening to the bees? Health, over the winter parent colony group. To take action after three weeks, listen to the bees, I have two strong colonies and the National Unification Council, laying all the Queen. One-year-old queen from the parent colony ended in nuclear hive, this is just perfect. She last autumn supercedure Queen and her do a great job to keep her brood of the colony throughout the winter to early spring to establish a strong colonial leader. She would be a good breeding queen, she could easily limited to a few weeks pleased to nuclear honeycomb.

All very curious and a bit weird, too - which is fine. I hope that I will continue to listen to my bees as a means to achieve any particular goal, rather than impose my will. When I first transferred to the bee package in May last year, feeding bees contains only mixed nutritional supplements, along with essential oils - lemon balm, peppermint, tea tree, lavender syrup. These bees are fortunate enough to live in a truly green haven - acres and acres of pesticide free food. Of course, I hope the girls will make extra honey in the spring of this year. The weather has been ideal for the generous flow of honey. We have very little rain delay feeding days is neither too hot or too cold, so the bees do not work, and strive to maintain the developing countries of the brood within the hive temperature of 93-94 degrees best.

What is the message from the colony this week? Unless they appeal and suggested I do so, otherwise, I will leave the bees alone provide supplementary feeding in addition to the establishment of several small hive beetle trap, because they are building new comb, I will wait a week before the roofs sugar roller and sugar dust, the new queen to have a chance to settle in and find the pace of egg production.