Sunday, November 4, 2012

Problems and abnormal hermaphrodite - born homosexual debate

Not long ago, I was in contact with a gentleman who wrote a controversial homosexuals are not born, but chose this way of life. However, in most cases, may be scientific, I believe that there are exceptions. In fact, his argument is the most solid, I think his motive may be the basis of some religion. For me personally, I'm straight, no religious reasoning or parameters of a good book, can not draw me to this line of reasoning.

However, I would like to discuss some of the exceptions, the argument of the gentleman, because I believe that some people may be born this homosexual tendencies is absolutely no through no fault of their own. So, let's talk about, and realize this is just a philosophical and scientific discussion, then, I have no agenda, nor should not assume anything, from my opinion, reasoning, or the Intellectual Discourse this article.

So now, I'm a gentleman, I liked to read his article, agrees, even in most cases, I will discuss other than these exceptions. You see, we know that, from 1% to 1.5%, almost all species, not necessarily human, I think less than 1% human hormones and sexual identity issues. Have this type of research, there are many kinds, one of the most significant, and often the city is a butterfly.

When we observe the behavior of chimpanzees and other primates, we have noticed the the alpha male primates advantage and male male leader of the pecking order team, tribe, or any learning behavior - but this is not a parameter passed to me reference. You see, about 1% of the population has screwed up sexual organs, missing parts, and a combination of parts, and hormone production, we know this from science. Hermaphrodite real, usually sexual organ malformations at birth and developed too early, too late, not at all, or various combinations.

Just as some people are born with albinism, it still happened. Unfortunately, these things can be chemicals in the environment or other issues caused. I have often speculated that plastic in the ocean messed similar aspects of fish stocks - No, I am not an environmentalist by any imagination, but if this happens, this is not good.

Whatever the reason, we see this happening, birds, insects, fish and mammals. Perhaps, marsupials, reptiles, invertebrates and arthropods; although I can not guarantee the ladder, I would make that assumption.

In addition, studies have shown that a third or more son with a mother's uterine wall has been depleted. There have been studies. So all that, it is possible that some people are born hormonal challenges, physical and chemical (psychologically) is gay or inclination.

It does not rain any party in this debate anyone's parade, but these are some of the scientific exception. Of course, not all of the people who marked their own homosexuality is innate, so that only a very small percentage, of course, which is also possible to determine that they are straight, even if they are susceptible. Anyway, I hope this helps to clarify some of the endless debate on this topic? Please consider all this, I feel it.

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