Sunday, November 4, 2012

Stop Complaining About No Job - This Is Your Big Government At Work In The Big Apple?

Sometimes I laugh when Democrats claim that Americans want jobs, and that these politicians are going to get in there, change economic policies, fixed everything, and get Americans back to work. These politicians can't do that, and they certainly can't do it with their left-leaning socialist policies. Oh, but they like to make big promises, as it helps them get reelected.

You see, everyone is now complaining that they don't have a job, but I would submit to you that many of these folks don't really want to work, they kind of like the idea of having an excuse not to, now they want the government to send them money. They know if they complain enough, jump up and down, occupy the park, and protest now and again they can get a continuous stream of podium pushing politicians to continue the promises. They don't really care as long as they get a check in the mail or better yet direct deposit, who has time to go to the bank when you are watching The View?

Then there are people who do have jobs, and when some disruption comes along they figure out that without a job they don't have any money. In other words they have to work so they can eat, realizing that there are people who are not working and eating on the government dole via their taxes. In other words, the folks who receive the services and get food stamps can't understand why everyone who isn't working is complaining.

Further, they get very angry when they find out that people who are working are losing their jobs, because they know that there will be less tax base coming to the government, and they may stop getting their free check in the mail. That just scares the crap out of them, and therefore they do whatever they can to make sure they vote in the next election for which ever politician continues to promise them whatever they want.

There was an interesting piece in the New York Times on November 3, 2012 titled; "For Some After Storm, No Work Means No Pay," by Shaila Dewan and Andrew Martin which noted; "Thousands of hourly workers took extreme measures to get to work following Hurricane Sandy with the fear that if they did not go to work, they probably would not be paid." Really, amazing now, you mean if you don't work you don't get paid, who'd have thought?

Well, this isn't news for anyone who is self-employed, anyone who works their butt off, and then has to deal with those same big government politicians making their life hell every time they turn around with more and more regulations, and more rules to appease the unruly masses who complain about discrimination, working hours, benefits, or free time off for such things as stress. Maybe it's time for everyone to stop complaining about having no job, and stop voting for politicians who believe in big government. You think?

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